Wednesday 7 July 2021


Letter to Mrs Hatchet  

Dear Mrs Hatchet, 
Before you read this story I want to tell you about Hana. She is a very imaginative little girl. I know she has been through a rough patch, but this is almost certainly a trick to try and annoy me. She is a very disobedient child who deserves to be punished. As you are the principal of this school, the responsibility falls to you. As her teacher I cannot do anything. This is a good piece of writing but hardly the sort of thing an eleven year old would write for a memoir (the memoir is for a school assignment. You will obviously understand my anguish once you have read it). 
Yours truly, 
Miss Milady 

The Memoir 

I don’t remember any of it. My real mother, the brother who had saved my life, or if I had any other siblings. I don’t know my father, or my grandparents. I don’t know what religion my family were. I don’t know what it is like to be a kid. Ever since I was little my life has been... not great. It started when I was a baby and my brother gave me to a stranger on a lifeboat in the hope it would save my life. And it did. What followed was a long journey to Greece. It wasn’t that far away, but the boat was steered off course. Eventually lifeguards found us and brought us in. I was raised in a beautiful country and had a lovely home. My mother was kind, if distant, so I had a happy childhood. 

 Well, not really. Shortly before I turned six, my mother died. I don’t know what it was, but I think it may have been intentional. She wasn’t very well. After that mishap, a policeman and his wife adopted me. That was TERRIBLE. It was like been raised by the devil, himself. I spent three miserable years there. They were cruel and didn’t care whether I lived or died. I was so miserable, but I didn’t dare turn them in. I was a kid with a bad track record. Chances were I would spend the rest of my life there. As I got older it got worse, the beatings increased and the verbal abuse was really bad. I got so scared that I turned them in. By then I was nine. 

 Finally a kind old woman adopted me after three months in a home. The home was nice but loud and crowded. It was a great relief for my ears. Her name was Lillieth Herring. She was the closest thing to a grandmother I ever had. However I was not so lucky with school. I spent two years being bullied and treated like dirt, 2028 was a different story altogether. I was sick of it all and stood up for myself. So you really understand how it is like for me, I have included some of my diary entries. 

My life sucks. I want to meet my family. I want this bullying to stop. Oh, I HATE Miss Milady. She is pure EVIL! Two weeks ago she set us a family tree assignment. As she told the class, I SWEAR ON MY LIFE that she was giving me the evil eye. She thinks she can fool everyone. A sweet blonde lady with bright blue eyes and a sing song voice. She's EVIL. LIKE REALLY EVIL!!! I was so embarrassed today when everyone was talking about their interesting family and all I had was a page with two people on it. TWO! And then Miss Milady said that I couldn’t include myself. The laughter just went on and on. 

I’m in trouble. BIG TROUBLE. I’m so worried. I’m going to wait a little before I go home and let Ms Herring cool down. I don’t care if Miss Milady hates me, but if Ms Herring is disappointed in me... I can’t cope with that. Mwa ha ha ha!! Ms Herring thinks that I’m awesome and all I was doing was standing up for myself. She even let me choose tea! Take that, Miss Milady!! 

Wow, I was so caught up in all my glory yesterday that I forgot to write what happened. Everyone was being particularly horrible to me, so at lunch I climbed on to the playground and started a protest against the school. Then when the teachers tried to get me down... I attacked them. Yeah, I bet nobody was expecting that. 

I started another protest today. This time two girls called Calliope and Zoe joined in. 

 I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long. Normally I write everyday. Calli, Zo and I have started a schoolyard revolution against the evil Miss Milady. Ha ha, you evil old witch. WE have wiped her simpering smile off her face. Ms Herring thinks I’ve gone too far this time. I can’t stand her to be disappointed me. I have to stop. 

We’ve been doing Greek Mythology in school. I already know heaps so I’m doing pretty well. 
Miss Milady has gone too far this time. She is going to pay. I just don’t know how yet.
Miss Milady says that we have to do a memoir. Well, mine is going to be interesting. 

(This is the end of the diary entries)

Well, there you have it. The extremely topsy turvy life of Hana Herring. Oh, and I’ve figured out my revenge. It just hasn’t happened yet.

Letter to Miss Milady

Miss Milady, 
If what I am reading is true, you are in BIG trouble. You are behaving horribly and I am going to do an interview with Hana and her guardian. Count yourself lucky if I don’t fire you! One thing is for sure; you are going to have to APOLOGIZE to this poor little girl.
Mrs Hatchet

The Final Diary Entry 

The memoir writing is over and I have my revenge. The memoir WAS my revenge. I knew that it would infuriate Miss Milady, and that she would show Mrs Hatchet. Well, Mrs Hatchet lives up to her name and I know that. I also know that can’t stand the thought of her school’s reputation being tarnished. 

I haven’t found my family. I doubt that I ever will. But I have Ms Herring, Calli and Zo, and of course my revenge! MWA HA HA!!

In class we've been reading the book refugee, and we have finally finished it! It was REALLY good! It ended kind of sad but happy at the same time. Hana was nevere reunited with her family and for this activity I wrote what HER ending would look like. I hope you enjoy.

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