Friday 1 May 2020

My Version Of Superheroes

Despite being a superhero, spending the majority of his time battling against crime and dangerous villains in Gotham City with an array of different skills and deadly weapons, Batman had a weakness for chicken nuggets.
The other superheroes were also making the most of their afternoon off from saving the world. However, they didn’t have long: soon they would have to get back to business… Their deadly enemy Homer Simpson was in town. If they didn’t find out soon, all their takeaways and junk food would be gone! FOREVER!!! AND EVER!!!
All the superheroes were at the Bat Cave eating Mc Donalds and playing with Batmans pet bunnies. Suddenly they got a call from one of the citizens of Gotham City. “Hello is this Iron Man?’’ “How dare you I am The Incredible Hulk” “Sorry” “Sorry is not good enough, I want your soul!! Or even better six doughnuts!” “Homer Simpson has eaten them all, that is why I called, we need your help!’’ “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” The Hulk fell down dead. He really loved his doughnuts. Iron Man took the phone and said “We’ll be right there even though it is our day off.” Iron Man hung up. He didn’t realise that it was his wife that had been calling. Thor quickly rang Batman. “We need you Batman, Homer Simpson is in town!” “We should probably move to the North Pole.” “There is no food outlets there.” “Prepare to fight to the death!”
Batman tried to find the Bat mobile but it was two whole metres away. He weighed ten tonnes. And that was when he was a baby. He had to improvise. He then saw Santa’s sleigh one metre away, it might just work. He curled into a ball and started rolling towards it. He was going too fast, he would crush the sleigh. He only just managed to get his fat little feet on the ground in time. He used his jetpack to get into the sleigh. Once he was comfortable he called out “On Dasher, on Dancer, on Comet and Cupid, on Prancer, on Vixen, on Donner and Blitzen.” “What about Rudolph? He is in the bathroom we need to wait.” “To bad this is more important”. They flew into the sky but they couldn’t go very fast because of Batman's immense Weight.
When Batman finally made it back to the Bat Cave it was two in the morning. So he settled down, had a nice nap and woke up at 10:00. The other supers weren’t very happy and Wolverine showed his displeasure by going all wolfie on him. Finally they were ready and they all got into their cars and drove to the city. All the citizens were panicking and Thor fainted at the sight of all the chaos. The remaining supers tried to fly up to Homer Simpson (He was giant because he had gone into the nuclear reactor)but it was very slow because they were so fat. Homer Simpson saw them and swatted them like they were flys. They all crashed to the ground. They landed on Thor who had just woken up. Unfortunately for Thor they were so heavy he died instantly. Wolverine ran up to the giant Homer and started attacking his little toe. Homer didn’t like it and yelled “Doh!” and crushed him with his foot. Now it was up to Ironman and Bat Man. Ironman and Bat Man ran for cover as Homer walked through the city. Ironman ran into a giant metal doughnut. Homer thought it was a real doughnut and ate it along with Ironman. Batman had taken an elevator up to the top of the city's highest tower. “It’s just you and me now.” Batman jumped off the building and tried to fly, but he was too fat and started pummeling towards the ground but luckily for him he bounced off Homer’s bald head, he landed next to the last chicken doughnut in the whole city. He grabbed it and ate it quickly so Homer wouldn’t see but he did see. And he wasn’t very happy. He stumbled over and sat on Batman, squishing him in the process. The city had no sugary food and no takeaways. A passing witch overhead saw the chaos and destruction and put a curse on the city so they would never have any sugary food or takeaways for all eternity. They were doomed. All the tourists would be going to New York now.
Never rely on super heroes and never ever let Homer Simpson sleep walk into a nuclear reactor. THE END!


  1. Gosh Harper and Brandon, there is certainly a fair bit of action and imagination in your story!
    I suppose it goes to show that even super heroes aren’t immune from eating too much junk food!
    I loved how these tough guys were sitting around playing with bunnies and I laughed out loud when you said the Rudolph was still in the bathroom! (There’s always someone in my house that is fluffing around in there when I m ready to leave the house too!)
    Keep up all this great writing!

  2. I love your story it was amazing I also love the charecters from Indie


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