Friday 10 January 2020

Rugby Superstars


  1. Hi Harper
    These powers would be amazing to have. Anyone who would have these powers would become quite famous. Would you like being famous?
    Keep it up

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi again Harper,

    Firstly, I love the colours you have used on this post. It is awesome to see you have used colour and images to make your post eye-catching and attractive!

    I love the superpowers you have chosen. Time travel is also a superpower I would choose for myself! It would be amazing to be able to travel back to any time in history. Would you like to travel forward into the future too, or only travel back to the past?

    Being able to understand and talk to animals would be the best! I have a pet kitten and sometimes when she meows at me, I wish I could understand what she is saying!

    I think it is amazing that you have thought about a superpower that could help the world! It is great that you have not only thought about what you could do for yourself, but how you can help others too. I can tell you have put a lot of thought into this activity.

    Well done Harper. Another great post!



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