Thursday 9 January 2020

Discovering Aotearoa


  1. Hi Harper
    Another great post. I like how you have added something that both sides of your family love and then gone way into the technical retelling of what type of animals, who had them and that sort of thing.
    Keep it up

  2. Hello Harper,

    It’s Leisha here again.

    Thank you for sharing a little bit about your culture. I think it is awesome that you have some family in Italy. Have you ever been there before? I have. I have been to both Rome and Venice when I was working on a cruise ship that sailed all around the Mediterranean Sea. I consider myself a kiwi like you, but I also like to talk about my multi-cultural background. I have family descended from Scotland, Wales and NZ Māori. I think it is very important to know where we come from and the history of our family.

    You definitely sound like a very animal friendly family. I love the name of your fish Citrus and Pip the cat is great too. I have a kitten named Sidi (I have a picture of him on my blog profile if you want to have a look).

    I enjoyed reading this post. Keep it up!



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